
Page two has the charge from President Nordyke.

The Mission of the Oregon State Bar informs our charges.

We have gathered several admissions procedures of different states.

Click here to read the most updated rules of admissions for Oregon lawyers.

Click here to read Vermont’s Law Office Study Program Rule 7.

Click here to read Virginia’s Reader Program Rules.

Click here to read Maine’s updated Rule 4 program.

Click here to read Washington’s APR Rule 6 Law Clerk Program. Washington also has application packets for law clerk applicants (as well as waivers), for tutors, and a thorough rules and regulations packet.

Click here to read California’s Rule 4.29.

Click here to read the ABA’s chapter 3, standards.

Click here to read an article about Mitchell Hamline’s first hybrid law student graduation.

Click here to read a thoughtful article on law school experiences.

Click here for another article, focused on how experience can enrich a 3L’s career.

Click here to read an article by the New York Times discussing a potential rule change to ABA accreditation. The ABA responded to an inquiry from the Oregon State Bar with more information.

The Sustainable Economies Law Center has a thorough webpage with ample material.

Click here to review an example of a report we should prepare as a committee. Here is our proposed timeline.

An interesting article about innovations in the legal profession is here — note that they say the robust and stringent Washington APR 6 model is the most effective and successful.

Here is a memo prepared by Taskforce Member John Gear urging the Taskforce to reflect on standards outside the legal industry, including the military.

Taskforce Member Diane Thompson prepared a survey to paralegals. The results are here.

The WSBA responded to our inquiry on metrics here.

Taskforce Member Kasia Rutledge provided a link to the California program and an article about it.

Taskforce member John Gear shared an article about Norma Paulus.

Here is a link to ABA Standards Chapter 5. Rule 501 addresses the attrition issue  Interpretation 501-3 states: A law school having a cumulative non-transfer attrition rate above 20 percent for a class creates a rebuttable presumption that the law school is not in compliance with the Standard.

This is Gonzaga’s two year accelerated law school program.